Monday, April 16, 2012

martisoare, martisoare, martisoare

     Martisorul este un simbol stravechi al primaverii, al inceputului, al bucuriei de a trai. Apare in traditia romanilor si a unor popoare invecinate. La 1 martie femeile si fetele primesc martisoare pe care le poarta ca semn al sosirii primaverii. Martisorul, un mic obiect de podoaba legat de un snur impletit dintr-un fir rosu si unul alb, simbolizeaza dragostea si puritatea, bucuria si sosirea primaverii. 

   Martisor is a popular Romanian holiday celebrated on the 1st of March. This month of the year is seen as the start of spring, when nature comes to life. The tradition says that at the beginning of March, men offer this amulet, called martisor, to the girls they love. Friends also give it to each other as a symbol of friendship and a sign of spring. Red and white threads are characteristic of "Martisoare" representing love and purity. They come in a variety of styles, some with flowers others with small objects all representing the season. 


Friday, April 13, 2012

1st post ever

     pentru prima postare m-am gandit indelung ce ar fi cel mai potrivit de spus sau aratat ! uite ca intr-un final m-am hotarat, si cercelusii acestia mi se par perfecti pentru primvara, colorati si usor de asortat la hainele preferate ( evident, in orice alte culori ) ! treptat, o sa mai adaug si altele, in functie de inspiratie si timp ! ganditi frumos si optimist !

     I thought a lot about the topic of my first post; wasn't really sure what would be most pretty or appropriate to write or show on here, but then I decided upon these perfect-for-spring-earrings ! they're colorful and easy to match ( of course, they can be made in any other color ) ! I'm going to post some more pretty things when I feel inspired and when my time permits! till then, think beautiful and optimistic !