Friday, April 13, 2012

1st post ever

     pentru prima postare m-am gandit indelung ce ar fi cel mai potrivit de spus sau aratat ! uite ca intr-un final m-am hotarat, si cercelusii acestia mi se par perfecti pentru primvara, colorati si usor de asortat la hainele preferate ( evident, in orice alte culori ) ! treptat, o sa mai adaug si altele, in functie de inspiratie si timp ! ganditi frumos si optimist !

     I thought a lot about the topic of my first post; wasn't really sure what would be most pretty or appropriate to write or show on here, but then I decided upon these perfect-for-spring-earrings ! they're colorful and easy to match ( of course, they can be made in any other color ) ! I'm going to post some more pretty things when I feel inspired and when my time permits! till then, think beautiful and optimistic ! 

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